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More strength and endurance. The ultimate formula
La creatine is the compound with the greatest scientific support for its ergogenic properties. This huge literature is the result of its long “career” as a dietary supplement, which has made it the “must-have” of any performance diet plan.
While at one time it was the preserve of bodybuilders alone, creatine is now also recognised for its importance in endurance sports.
Prepare your water bottles with CreafOS®
More and more cyclists and cross-country athletes are rediscovering the value of creatine in their diet. In fact, creatine plays an important role in both strength and energy profiles, making it perfect for endurance athletes.
The body’s main source of energy is ATP. This is produced from creatine by a process in which creatine is converted into phosphocreatine or creatine phosphate in the muscle by the acquisition of a phosphate group. When the body exerts a particular effort, phosphocreatine releases the phosphate group, which will bind to the ADP present in the muscle, converting it back into ATP. Phosphocreatine, therefore, is a veritable powerhouse of energy that is very useful when going from a state of rest to one where a certain amount of force is required (such as lifting a heavy weight). In combination with the properties of Fructose 1-6 Diphosphate, which is an intermediate compound in the energy cycle, a ‘step’ from ATP and therefore a very fast source of energy, Creafos® represents zero-calorie energy.
The presence of the electrolytes Magnesium and Potassium make Creafos® an excellent solution for your water bottles whatever your training.
Creatine is an amino acid compound produced by the liver, kidneys and pancreas and sent to the muscles, mainly, and to the heart and brain. The daily requirement of creatine is about 2 grams per day, and about one gram comes from food, while the remainder is produced by endogenous synthesis. It is possible to claim that an improvement in performance ‘following short-term high-intensity exercise’ can be obtained from taking 3g/day of creatine.
However, creatine has proven its efficacy in musculoskeletal disorders such as sarcopenia, and its general ergogenic role in undisputed so much so that it is always present in the activities of athletes performing strength training, but recently also increasingly in the supplementation of endurance athletes.
Fructose-1,6-disphosphate (FdP) is, in fact, the actual activated version of glucose; it takes over in the second phase of glycolysis, the yield phase, resulting in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP together with phosphocreatine (PC) represent the phosphates of ‘excellence’ because they have the advantage of providing energy very quickly. In addition, ATP has a great power capacity, providing the muscle with a large amount of energy per second.
Group B vitamine
B5 (pantotheic acid) – plays a key role in fat and sugar metabolism.
B6 (pyridoxine) – useful in brain function, intervenes in serotonin synthesis.
B9 (folic acid) – necessary for correct DNA replication (indirectly) for the formation of new muscle fibres.
Selenium and Zinc
Useful in DNA synthesis and for the regulation of thyroid hormones, it is a molecule found in many proteins (called selenium proteins).
In addition to its antibacterial properties, zinc plays a role against free radials, which are very abundant when energy is consumed.