Alkaline Recovery
20,00 €
Alkaline Recovery was born on the basketball courts of the Italian Serie A, as a preparation kit for flasks, a useful tool during game breaks and after the game. Compared to a commercial isotonic drink (often very poor in nutrients and minerals, but full of artificial colourings!) Recupero Alcalino provides better support for athletes training and competing, thanks to the properties of ionised alkaline water with minerals and amino acids.
The Branched Chain Amino Acids – BCAA 2:1:1 – Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine, play an important role in increasing muscular endurance by stimulating protein synthesis and preventing the possible catabolic process during intense sports activity. In addition, isoleucine is used by the body as an alternative source of energy when glucose is no longer available, in the absence of intense physical exertion. These three amino acids are not metabolised by the liver, which means they are immediately available in the body.
Ionised alkaline water
The acid-base diet theory considers ionised alkaline water to be a key factor in maintaining or stabilising the pH of the human body. Although the effect of alkaline water on the pH of the entire body is controversial (due to the regulation of the systemic pH of the blood), the negative charge of the ions (negative ORP) and the presence of minerals such as potassium and magnesium make this compound extremely effective as an antioxidant. This is why Ionezed alkaline water has a greater hydrating potential.
Finally, it can have a positive effect in counteracting acid reflux and acidosis in general (which annoys many athletes, especially those who perform).
How to prepare flasks with Alkaline Recovery
By mixing the contents of a vial with a sachet of Recupero Alcalino, a 500 ml bottle can be prepared. Physical exertion, sporting activities such as athletics, football, marathon, swimming, cycling and motoring
push the body into thermoregulation processes that cause a huge loss of fluids and minerals.
In some cases, a single performance can result in a loss of up to 5 kilos in terms of body weight. This is why the replenishment of minerals, electrolytes and water is essential, as the lack of these elements can affect muscle contractility and reactivity. Especially in sports where body weight is kept
under control, with a continuous diet, the availability of leucine can counter glucose depletion, preventing catabolism – the process of muscle ‘destruction’.
Alkaline Recovery as Post-Workout
Both endurance sports and fitness require nutrient replenishment after each workout or performance to allow the body to recover and
begin the ‘repair’ of muscles, bones and joints.
The top choice of many athletes and body builders is to increase their amino acid intake, particularly the highly branched-chain amino acids BCAAs, namely leucine, isoleucine and valine. These essential amino acids are produced by the body itself as it digests protein. Alkaline Recovery offers an effective way to replenish BCAAs by making them rapidly assimilable. Mix a single sachet of Alkaline Recovery in a vial of alkaline water, shake and dilute in 200 ml of tap water (approx. one glass of water).