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It is a carbohydrate by-product of glycolysis, the process that converts sugar into energy. Fructose 1,6-diphosphate is already available energy, that is, the actually activated version of glucose that has acquired two phosphates (fourth step of glycolysis, the investment phase). The use of this molecule in pharmaceuticals is now dated, but only since a few decades has its usefulness in sports medicine been discovered. Being a molecule already “processed” by the body, it is able to release energy very quickly without activating some enzymatic processes (digestive by, for example, the liver) that are wasteful for the body.

Both products made in our plants and those at Italian subcontractors specializing in certain product segments comply with the production standards of the supplement category. In fact, the plants are accredited to the Ministry of Health, and have at least UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certification. The product is treated at each of its stages under the H.A.C.C.P. protocol.


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