Sprintade® NOW GOT PROTEIN! Discover our line of products dedicated to fitness, BB, diet and self-care.
Many well-reasoned references for the workout and the nutritional and protein intake.
Functional integration vs improving body composition
Disciplines that have completely different objectives are often grouped together in a single world – that of the “gym” -. Indeed, it is more correct to say that some disciplines have as their purpose the instrument of others. For example, those who practice fitness aim to improve their physical composition and use weight lifting or free body exercises (in addition to diet) as a tool. Conversely, those who practice gymnastics (such as calisthenics) or weight lifting try to improve their sporting performance by maintaining a certain physical form and following a nutritional plan. Whoever you are, dietary supplements can support you as you seek the best.

Supplements for the “gym”
Sprintade® NOW GOT PROTEIN! It offers a solution to support anyone who works in a gym. Preworkout, energy, stimulants for your WOD, a wide range of protein products or products designed for particular diets, last but not least recovery. With this line Sprintade® covers all your needs with ingredients such as concentrated proteins, essential and branched amino acids, Beta Alanine, Ashwaganda and other adaptogens or stimulants, mineral salts (electrolytes) and much more.